Transportation 4 Massachusetts (T4MA) Coalition Restructuring Process 2021-2023

1SW led and facilitated the restructuring process with T4MA and its stakeholders to ensure that the entity accurately and actively represents Massachusetts residents most impacted by transportation injustice, and that its actions and activities focus on the priorities and needs of them.

Andrea Atkinson and …

This involved an assessment phase, creating a restructuring committee of stakeholders, conducting trainings, facilitating design sessions for the restructuring committee, and providing coaching during their transition into a new leadership/member structure.



PLACEHOLDER TEXT. In May, 2023, working with Northeastern University to facilitate a community-centered  process to create a Climate Justice Action Plan that is accountable to those most impacted by climate injustice in Boston while also harnessing the strengths and capacities of Northeastern University. This work is being done alongside NU stakeholders and Boston residents to ensure that NU accurately and actively is accountable to Boston.

With the support of