Community-led Policy Design

1SW facilitates collaborative processes that build just climate policy and support organizations to shift resources and analysis to address structural oppression.

We support collaborations between partners to ensure that the development of policy centers community priorities and the voices of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC).

Key projects

Photo by Oliver Sydesho Arias. 2023.

Northeastern University’s Climate Justice Action Plan 2023-2024

1SW is working with Northeastern University to facilitate a community-centered process to create a Climate Justice Action Plan that is accountable to those most impacted by climate injustice in Boston.

Transportation 4 Massachusetts (T4MA) Coalition Restructuring Process 2021-2023

1SW led and facilitated the restructuring process with T4MA and its stakeholders to ensure that the entity accurately and actively represents Massachusetts residents most impacted by transportation injustice.

Video still from 35,000 Square Feet and Rising animation. Art by Lily Xie + María Fong.

Boston Building Emissions Standard:  A New Community-Designed Climate Justice Ordinance 2020-2021

Boston Environment and NRDC contracted 1SW in a project to develop a new policy to cut carbon pollution from large buildings.

Members of REJC present their recommendations to City of Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza and the Environmental Sustainability Task Force. Standing from left to right: Vatic Kuumba, Lucy Ríos, Paul Taveras, Mónica Huertas and Jesus Holguin. Providence, RI. 2017.

More projects 2005-2015

“Thriving with Water” Boston Living with Water Competition 2015

In collaboration with other entities, 1SW, created “Thriving with Water”, a competition entry, charrette model, and conversation process that emphasizes the need to foster rigorous community processes to increase the social resilience of residents and neighborhoods.

NEXUS Green Building Resource Center Curriculum Design

1SW developed curriculum and provided educational sessions on topics of sustainability including energy efficiency, environmental justice and resiliency for audiences of architecture, engineering, and construction professionals, homeowners and renters, and students.